Best SEO companies in San Jose based on our score

SEO is an easy to access trade, no certificates or regulations required to start an SEO business, our mission at is helping businesses to find the best SEO company in their area using a scoring system that we built based on performance metrics like, traffic, ranking, reviews and years in business. The list below includes the best SEO companies in San Jose, California, United States .

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JM Internet Group

1060 Willow St #3, San Jose, CA 95125, USA

  (408) 520-9740


Net Promoter Score: 80.00

Ranking for SEO San Jose: 10.0

Number referring domains: 722

LCP: 1,150

Google organic traffic:

SEO Performance Score:

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As a marketing manager, navigating the ever-changing marketing landscape can be challenging (to put it mildly). Jason and JM Internet Group are my go-to experts to keep on top of all of the changes to Google's algorithm and the industry as I whole. What makes Jason unique is that whilst almost all other SEO gurus seem to be trying to impress you with their depth of knowledge, Jason tells you in simple terms exactly what works and the steps to put it into action. I would recommend them to anyone looking to leverage digital marketing to help grow their business.

These guys are great to deal with, Jason is extra helpful and knowledgeable about online marketing as a whole and where to focus your efforts. This is the first time I've had an SEO consultancy genuinely want to help me suceed with SEO and not just create more billable hours for themself - thanks alot for your help guys!

SEO or Search Engine Optimization isn't easy. Many of these companies are fly by night operations, but the JM Internet Group is legit. It's local to San Jose, but really you could be anywhere in the world. Check out their website as well as well as the cool videos by Jason and his books. There is a lot to learn and they make it easy (well, as easy as can be possible).

It's not easy to understand SEO or search engine optimization. But the JM Internet Group not only "Knows" SEO they teach SEO. I took a recent class with Jason on SEO and he was great. I learned a lot about how to do On Page SEO as well as link-build which is what he called Off Page SEO. Then we worked together on social media marketing, and it call came together. Even if you are not in San Jose you can use the JM Internet Group as they work with clients all over, not just local, but also online. Highly recommended company.

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JM Internet Group

1060 Willow St #3, San Jose, CA 95125, USA
(408) 520-9740