Best SEO companies in San Antonio based on our score

SEO is an easy to access trade, no certificates or regulations required to start an SEO business, our mission at is helping businesses to find the best SEO company in their area using a scoring system that we built based on performance metrics like, traffic, ranking, reviews and years in business. The list below includes the best SEO companies in San Antonio, Texas, United States .

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Gray Digital Group

117 W Mistletoe Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212, USA

  (210) 820-0566


Net Promoter Score: 83.33

Ranking for SEO San Antonio: -

Number referring domains: 282

LCP: 1,070

Google organic traffic:

SEO Performance Score:

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Having relied on GDG to support several clients' complex digital assignments over the past three years, I've come to rely on their all-in approach to projects. The chaos that can accompany a large site build is managed to the point of high confidence with their project managers, then further eliminated once their developers engage. They plan thoroughly, troubleshoot, think it through then execute. Like most business partnerships with highly proficient organizations, the investment in their support matches the importance of the work they do. I'd confidently recommend Gray Digital Group.

Gray digital is a team of professionals who can connect your needs to the superb work that they do. During my experience with them I connected with Brad Gray, Aurora Cantu and Richard Baugh and they were all experts in their roles, and were extremely patient with Manhattan School of Computer Technology and our needs. I am confident that our new website will attract prospective students and make current students proud of the school they attend. I can't thank you guys enough!

Gray digital is a team of professionals who can connect your needs to the superb work that they do. During my experience with them I connected with Brad Gray, Aurora Cantu and Richard Baugh and they were all experts in their roles, and were extremely patient with Manhattan School of Computer Technology and our needs. I am confident that our new website will attract prospective students and make current students proud of the school they attend. I can't thank you guys enough!

Brad Gray and co. are professional, swift, and talented. I can honestly say that I have received countless requests for their contact information. The website they created for me is among the very best in my field.

Our law firm initially retained Gray Digital Group to do a basic "update" to our old website. But to our delight, they completely modified our website and gave it a whole new look and feel. They not only made it more user friendly for our clients, but also for myself, the administrator of the site. I am now able to make changes and updates with ease, whereas before it was a major hassle to make any changes. Another advantage of using Gray Digital Group is that whenever I do require their assistance with making changes or updates, they are always there to assist me through the entire process. I highly recommend Gray Digital Group.

Back in 2006, Gray Digital Group designed the website for our medical practice of 27 urologists. We are overdue for a website refresh (our delay, not Gray's), yet we still receive genuine from customers and colleagues about the site's design, navigation and functionality – a testament to the quality of Gray's work their sound grounding in strategy, even as the work in a field where tactics evolve rapidly. My background is in public relations, and at our 200-person company, our corporate website falls under my prevue. What I enjoy about working with Gray is that they respect my professional knowledge and will flex to give me as much control or help as I need to manage the website in a way that that supports my business' broader goals. Everyone I have dealt with at Gray has been helpful, knowledgeable and responsive.

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Gray Digital Group

117 W Mistletoe Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212, USA
(210) 820-0566